Oct 31 2009

Gone Fishing: Yellow-fin Tuna

Both of my brothers went through a very large effort to help me assemble some fishing equipment for the trip. Jeff sent a big package of plugs and gave me some lessons on exactly how to tie the knots, how to troll them behind the boat, etc. Greg sent his fishing reel. I pulled together the rest of the bits.

On the last 170 miles to Bahia de Tortuga, we assembled the fishing gear and strung it out behind the boat. At first, we dragged a pink, squid-looking thing behind us because the previous day, one had washed aboard. After about 45 minutes, I decided to change to a cedar plug.

Within 30 minutes, I got a big hit (it felt big because we were doing 8 knots under sail) and proceeded in pulling in a perfect-sized 15-lb Yellowfin Tuna. After we got it aboard, I cleaned it (it had been feeding on similar sized fish), and we immediately sauteed 4 filets in olive oil with some onions. We put four more filets in the refrigerator, and for dinner, I made foil-pouched yellowfin with carrots, onions, potatoes, garlic, bell peppers, and lemons. Mmmmm.

Thanks Greg and Jeff for feeding us in the middle of the Pacific–that we awesome!

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