Jun 14 2010

Potential Hurricanes in Mexico: Not One, but TWO

I was waiting happily for crew to arrive, and for the right weather window, and planning for everything to be just right.  But, with TWO potential tropical storms (according to NOAA) brewing in the south of Mexico, it is time to go.

The first storm is brewing off the coast of Acapulco, and the second one a bit further down.  The first has a 20% chance of turning into a hurricane, and it is traveling West, North-West–basically, towards Hawaii.  The second storm went from a 10% chance to a 20% chance, and is traveling North, North-West.  Neither of them currently are pointed towards the Baja . . . but, that could always change, and I am not taking any chances.

Marishanna sets sail tomorrow in the early morning hours.  Yesterday, I provisioned the boat.  Today is diesel, water and all the last little bits that need to happen, and tomorrow before dawn, we set sail for California.  The goal is to be above latitude 27 in roughly three days (approximately 300nm).  Fortunately, the weather looks decent – to good, and even more fortunately, I will be buddy-boating with some neighbors from Alameda (literally, other liveaboards from the same dock, even) and, I think they are sharing one of their crew with me for at least the first part of the trip.

More updates soon . . . .

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Oct 17 2009

Rock You Like a Hurricane (Rick)

Published by under The Adventure,Wylie 39

Hurrican Rick Aimed at Cabo San Lucas: 17 October 2009

Hurrican Rick Aimed at Cabo San Lucas: 17 October 2009

Some not so good news for the adventure. Hurricane Rick is on a crash-course for Cabo San Lucas. It is currently a Category 5 Hurricane which originated around Acapulco and was headed out to sea. It made a turn north (and for the worse) towards Cabo San Lucas–who were just blasted 2 months ago by another Hurricane. More Hurricane info about Hurricane Rick is available at the National Hurricane Center.

The Grand Poo-bah of the Baja Ha-ha has said that the 190-boat fleet will hold in San Diego until the storm has passed if it poses a problem. At this time, we are proceeding with the delivery to get the yacht down to San Diego to join the rest of the fleet. But, we are watching the weather . . . .

I’ll keep you posted.

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