Jul 02 2010

Baja Bash: Departing Turtle Bay in a few hours for Cedros Island North Anchorage

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According to Don Anderson, on the S/V Summer Passage, on the Southbound HAM Radio Net, the weather is going to be good for the next few days–as in, 10 – 15knots with mild seas. So, around 3am, I am weighing anchor from Turtle Bay and heading to the North Anchorage of Isla Cedros to anchor near the Sea Lion colonies.

Spent today getting ready: the dinghy is stowed, everything on-deck is secured, 6 more jerry cans of diesel fuel (and the tank topped off), 30 gallons of purified water, and food stores replenished. We are ready to go . . . .

I am not sure what the Internet reception is going to be for the next few days–but, I am on the last leg to San Diego.

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