Jun 13 2010

Video: Day Sail Cabo–Luxury Yacht Sailing in Cabo San Lucas, MX

Published by under Beneteau,Mexico

This is a short promo video I made for Captain Bob of L’Atitiude 32. It is a gorgeous boat, and Bob provides an amazing sailing experience. So, if you ever get down to Cabo San Lucas, save a day and go sailing with Day Sail Cabo. (www.daysailcabo.com)

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May 17 2008

The Stone Cup: Day One

Published by under Beneteau,Sailboat Racing

Today was the first day of the Stone Cup, sponsored by the St. Francis Yacht Club in San Francisco. It was also the event of the IRC racing season.

Like no other place on the planet, the San Francisco weather opened up and unleashed some incredible winds. By the time the first race had started, the winds were hitting 18 knots and hour. During the second race, they blew 26 knots of steady wind with occasional puffs that were a little more.

We had a great time, but our game was a little off on the second race, although the boat owner thought we had placed third or fourth overall at the end of the day.

On the first race, I worked on the bow. On the second race, I worked at the mast. I know that personally, I could have raced better.

Tomorrow, we are all going to race better.

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May 17 2008

Enicinal Yacht Club Beer-Can Races

Published by under Beneteau,Sailboat Racing

Last night, to signify the end a great week and begin a great weekend of sailing, we raced in the Encinal Yacht Club’s Friday-night Beer-can races.

This race is a fun little jaunt–a couple of sausages up and down the estuar–but, the winds of the estuary and the quality of the sailors make it a challenge. Many of the Bay Area’s vendors of sailing-related services operate in Alamada, CA. And, some of these sail-maker and boat builders live close to work . . . .

Lastly, the great fun is the weather in the Estuary. Someone on-board last night said it in the best way I have heard to-date. “It’s the Estuary! There is completely different wind 100 yards away.” Light air sailboat racing at its best, and definitely a great way to cap the week.

If you are interested, the Encinal Yacht Club (sponsors of the yearly Coastal Cup from San Francisco to Santa Barbara) was founded in 1890. Check out their Website: www.encinal.org

PS. I was racing on a Beneteau 40.5, and worked the foredeck.

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May 13 2008

Excited . . . 4 days (of 5) Sailing

Published by under Lido 14,Sailboat Racing

I am REALLY excited because there is quite a bit of sailing on the immediate horizon.

Tomorrow, I am taking the Lido-14 dinghy out for a spin around Morro Bay. On Thursday, I am heading up to San Francisco for a few days.

The racing up there will include:

  • Friday Night Beer-can races at Encinal Yacht Club on the Beneteau 40.5. I will be working bow.
  • Saturday Morning delivery and racing in the Stone Cup (also on the Beneteau). It is the first IRC race of the season, and run by the St. Francis yacht club. I will again be working on the bow.
  • Sunday–2nd day of the Stone Cup.

So–4 days of sailing/racing in 5-days. Not bad . . . .

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