Oct 17 2009

Rock You Like a Hurricane (Rick)

Published by at 9:07 pm under The Adventure,Wylie 39

Hurrican Rick Aimed at Cabo San Lucas: 17 October 2009

Hurrican Rick Aimed at Cabo San Lucas: 17 October 2009

Some not so good news for the adventure. Hurricane Rick is on a crash-course for Cabo San Lucas. It is currently a Category 5 Hurricane which originated around Acapulco and was headed out to sea. It made a turn north (and for the worse) towards Cabo San Lucas–who were just blasted 2 months ago by another Hurricane. More Hurricane info about Hurricane Rick is available at the National Hurricane Center.

The Grand Poo-bah of the Baja Ha-ha has said that the 190-boat fleet will hold in San Diego until the storm has passed if it poses a problem. At this time, we are proceeding with the delivery to get the yacht down to San Diego to join the rest of the fleet. But, we are watching the weather . . . .

I’ll keep you posted.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Rock You Like a Hurricane (Rick)”

  1. Brunoon 22 Oct 2009 at 9:42 am

    How’s the holding pattern Tim? San Diego is not a bad place to hang. Actually Suzanne is down there for a conference now. Hear the weather is nice.

  2. micheleon 25 Oct 2009 at 7:52 am

    Be safe. I look forward to reading more about your amazing adventure. Keep us posted.