Aug 18 2008
Ericson 29: Transom conclusion
After crawling around below the cockpit sole, there was absolutely no evidence of a collision. Furthermore, there is another Ericson 29 on the hard nearby with the same full-length cracking along the top of the transom.
The material that has actually split is a dark gray with some un-catalyzed fiberglass flakes in it. Underneath, there is plenty of glass holding things together on the inside edge, but my guess is that the outer edge was stuffed with filler. This seam across the transom is the only place where the hull-to-deck joint is not bolted together.
I am going to clamp the area together and fill the whole thing with epoxy–allow it to cure and basically glue the whole thing together (there is no worry about the structural integrity here–the transom is sound).